Cars crushing materials
2024-04-16 Cars crushing materials 阅读:标签arcclick报错:缺少属性 aid 值。

Purpose of the plan:

This sorting plan is developed for iron, stainless steel, and copper aluminum non-ferrous metals in automotive crushing materials.

Overview of the plan:

In recent years, the number of scrapped cars in China has been growing rapidly, and the market there will also be further expanded. However, many companies engaged in automobile dismantling and recycling have relatively backward revenue methods and cannot fully tap into the potential economic value of scrapped cars.

Sen Hongyu aims to enrich the automotive recycling process and adapt to the development of resource recycling mechanization, automation, and scale. A series of modern metal sorting equipment and assembly lines have been developed to achieve the selection of resources in automobile recycling, which can separate stainless steel, non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, zinc), iron and other metals in automobiles.

By separating the equipment, the recycling efficiency of automotive resources has been improved, and the overall operating cost has been reduced; Solved the environmental problems that may arise with traditional sorting methods, with dual benefits of economic and environmental benefits.

Core equipment:

Chain plate feeding machine: a device that provides uniform feeding for the solid waste sorting assembly line.

Wind separator: separates light and heavy materials, removes light impurities such as sponge and fluff from the materials.

Drum screen: removes dust particles from the material; Separate materials according to particle size for easy subsequent selection.

Eddy current separator: separates non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum, and zinc from materials.

Sensing metal sorting machine: selects stainless steel metals from materials.